
My first two nephews vol.1

I have two nephews at the moment, but I will have another one soon.

I have two younger brothers, and youngest one has two sons. The other one got married married this August, and they will have a baby boy in a week or so. Oh, I have neither got married nor had baby yet. Anyway, I, at first, need to have a girl friend......

Well, let me start today's topic. So, topic is first two nephews.

Because I'd stayed in Australia for over 6 years, Haruto was already two years old when I met him at first time (end of 2005). So, I don't know much about how he grew up without any brother. But, I am pretty sure that he was spoiled very much by my parents (his grandparents). I think most grandparents love their grandchildren. I heard your children is a purpose to have your grandchildren. In my scientific point of view, my opinion about children is different from it.
Anyway back to my today's topic. Yes, Haruto is a lovely boy when I play with him. But he is mean to his brother or friends.

I think this topic will be continued ..... Hope I will finish this tomorrow.

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